Tooth wear is the thinning of the enamel due to mechanical or chemical phenomena. It may be a symptom of a more serious condition.
Tooth wear occurs in various forms:
- Attrition, is caused by the friction of the teeth together. It is visible on the occlusal surface of the teeth (the top);
- Erosion is caused by the acidity of the mouth. It is due to the consumption of acidic substances (soft drinks, energy drinks, sparkling water, citrus fruits…) or repeated vomiting (bulimia);
- Abrasion is caused by repeated mechanical contact between the tooth and an object (pencil, pin, toothbrush). It is often the result of overly aggressive brushing;
- Abfraction is caused by a disorder in the occlusion and masticatory forces. This type of wear is characterized by a loss of enamel in the form of axe blows to the neck of the teeth.
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