What do you know about your teeth?For many, the knowledge about their teeth is limited.
So, what is a tooth? What is its composition? |
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The structure of a tooth is similar to an appleIn a very simplified way, the general structure of a tooth is similar to that of an apple. Like a peel, enamel covers and protects the visible part of the tooth. Dentin is the second layer of the tooth. Like the flesh of the apple, this material takes up the largest volume of the tooth. Although its strength is lower than that of enamel, it remains as tough as a human bone. Dentin is the last “armor” protecting the life of the tooth because it offers protection to its central part. Once attacked by decay, the dentin deteriorates very quickly. Dental pulp (the nerve of the tooth) is the equivalent of the heart of the apple. Located in the center of the tooth, the pulp is composed of tiny blood vessels and nerves, making the tooth sensitive to pain. |
Tooth anatomyThe tooth consists of two main sections: the root and crown. Root The part hidden below the gum line is the root. This part of the tooth is embedded in the bone of the jaw. Like the posts of a fence, roots firmly keep teeth in position. The number of roots varies from one tooth to another: the anterior teeth (front teeth) have one root while premolars and molars have two or three roots for resisting the pressure exerted on them when chewing. Crown The crown is the visible part of the tooth located above the gum, which comes into contact with food. |
How to find the right dentist?
Assessment of wisdom teeth
Asepsis, the fight against germs at the dentist’s
How to identify truly urgent cases?
Broken tooth
Knocked out (avulsed) tooth
Swelling of the cheeks
Your orthodontic appliance is broken
Pain preventing you from sleeping
Dental emergency – Important
Following a dental trauma
A mouth injury that does not heal
Cavities (Tooth Decay)
Dental Cleaning
Preventive measures and dental hygiene
Dental Amalgam Fillings
Dental tourism
Mouth Guards
Tooth Anatomy
Permanent Dentition (Adult Teeth)
Dental plaque
Root Canal Treatment
Dentinal Hypersensitivity
Composite Resin Restoration (White Filling)