IMPORTANT: Aimed at the general public, the Bücco Guide is a general educational guide. Its content presents some of the most common dental practices. However, there are many approaches and philosophies in dentistry and your dentist / specialist will be able to advise you on what he believes to be the most appropriate for your oral health. Do not hesitate to consult a dentist / specialist for more information.
The first and most frequent difficulty that babies encounter in life is related to the pain in their gums caused by the appearance of their first teeth. Most of the time, it starts with the lower incisors in the middle of the gums. The formation of the baby’s teeth begins as early as in the womb. Their growth continues at birth, as the teeth try to make their way outwards. The mucous membrane thus stretched, pushed, reacts with painful inflammation and swelling, causing pain that is difficult for the baby to bear. |
Teething is a difficult time for the baby, but also for the parents. There are many “tricks” that have been listed to remedy or alleviate it:
Finally, remember that cold is a natural anesthetic. This is why anything you give to suck can come out of the refrigerator or freezer (especially breast milk). Also, don’t forget the side effects of teething such as :
It is difficult to assess the extent of pain in the baby, but it is likely that very few people would tolerate it. That’s why it’s important not to neglect it, not to think of it simply as a bad time. The baby is in pain and it is important to try to quickly find the best way, among those mentioned above, to relieve it. However, if the fever persists, seek the advice of a doctor, a paediatrician or your pharmacist. |
The baby’s gums, usually pink and smooth, sometimes turn bright red and double in size. This is commonly called “doubling of the gums“. Some babies will have very little reaction to their first teeth; however, others will suffer for weeks or even months. And still others will be the lucky ones who will feel almost nothing. But remember that the first teeth are usually the most difficult time for your baby. Once the first incisors have come in, the problems will diminish until the molars start to grow in, which can eventually cause further pain (around the age of one year). However, the baby will have other ways to distract himself. |
No particular prevention, except a lot of attention and patience for the baby and the parents. Eventually, bring along a few objects to be chewed (as indicated). |
Painful gums (adult)
Sore gums (baby)
Diffuse pain affecting a part of the face (facial neuralgia or trigeminal neuralgia)
Tooth decay
Dental hypersensitivity
Pain in one milk tooth
Pain following extraction of wisdom teeth, impacted tooth
Pain following the extraction of one or more teeth (dry alveolitis)
Pain at pressure
Dental pain
Pain in the salivary glands
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