IMPORTANT: Aimed at the general public, the Bücco Guide is a general educational guide. Its content presents some of the most common dental practices. However, there are many approaches and philosophies in dentistry and your dentist / specialist will be able to advise you on what he believes to be the most appropriate for your oral health. Do not hesitate to consult a dentist / specialist for more information.
The third molars of the mouth can create tension and pain when they grow. Wisdom teeth break out between the ages of 16 and 25. |
It is possible to reduce the pain associated with the eruption of these teeth by taking acetaminophen. However, if the gum covering the tooth swells or prevents the mouth from opening, this may be a sign of infection. You should then consult your dentist as soon as possible. |
It is possible that a wisdom tooth is growing and there is not enough space in the jawbone: it is then said that the tooth is impacted. In this case, do not delay in seeing your dentist as soon as you become aware that a tooth is coming in. The extraction of this one is often indicated. This will save you a lot of complications. |
Painful gums (adult)
Sore gums (baby)
Diffuse pain affecting a part of the face (facial neuralgia or trigeminal neuralgia)
Tooth decay
Dental hypersensitivity
Pain in one milk tooth
Pain following extraction of wisdom teeth, impacted tooth
Pain following the extraction of one or more teeth (dry alveolitis)
Pain at pressure
Dental pain
Pain in the salivary glands
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