When to see a dentist or an orthodontist?As recommended by the Canadian Association of Orthodontists (CAO) and the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO), children should undergo a first orthodontic examination around the age of 7. Why should kids see an orthodontist at the age of 7?
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Benefits of early orthodontic interventionsWhen an intervention at a young age is indicated, such preliminary treatment offers many benefits:
An orthodontic evaluation at an early age probably won’t avoid the need to intervene again later, but this can lead to a simpler and more effective treatment while reassuring the patients about their dental condition. The dentist who refers young patients to an orthodontist is a knowledgeable practitioner who cares about patients’ well-being. |
Examples of early orthodontic interventionsHere are some orthodontic procedures that may be indicated in patients from the age of 7:
Even with no apparent problem in your child’s teeth, ask for a first assessment around the age of 7. A panoramic X-ray taken at that age can reveal a lot about the future of your child’s mouth. |
Orthodontics for Children
Invisalign®, the transparent orthodontic appliance
Oral hygiene and orthodontics
Dietary Guidelines for Orthodontic Patients
Who treats TMJ?
Invisible orthodontics (invisalign®)
Adult orthodontics
Orthodontics for children (interceptive)
Dental malocclusions
Orthodontics for adolescents
Orthodontics for adults
Space preservation following the loss of a temporary tooth
Orthodontics for adolescents