IMPORTANT: Aimed at the general public, the Bücco Guide is a general educational guide. Its content presents some of the most common dental practices. However, there are many approaches and philosophies in dentistry and your dentist / specialist will be able to advise you on what he believes to be the most appropriate for your oral health. Do not hesitate to consult a dentist / specialist for more information.
The veneer is a very thin layer of dental materials applied to the visible surface of the teeth. Veneers are often applied to incisors, canines and sometimes upper, lower or both premolars. The natural tooth may or may not have been prepared to receive the veneer. The veneers can be made of two materials:
In general terms
Composite resin veneers
In general terms
Composite resin veneers
Dental jewellery and ornaments: health risks?
Smile aesthetics
Dental Veneers
Teeth Whitening 101
Dental Crowns
Teeth whitening
Composite veneers
Stain on teeth, yellow teeth and greyish teeth
Porcelain veneers
Whitening of a single tooth (internal)
Dental jewellery and ornaments
Teeth whitening techniques
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